Monday, January 18, 2010

Our 17th Wedding Anniversary

I love a special man. Thankfully I have been married to the man of my dreams, Derek Keller,for 17 great years now. This Man whispers loving words to me. Holds my hand at the Hospital. Gets my meds for me. Takes care of our kids & washes my pajamas. I love being Mrs. Derek Keller.

It amazes me that he asked me to be his wife. He is so kind and such a Spiritual Giant in our home. He loves the Lord and that just makes me love him more. I feel
so blessed that I got be the mommy to all five of his babies. Being pregnant also was great because I always had a part of him with me. He made me feel beautiful When I was huge and feeling like a whale. But he made me feel amazing.

Derek loved feeling my stomach as we would lay in bed at night. Feeling that little baby that was each a part of us...moving around, kicking and stretching inside of me. It sure was amazing getting that opportunity to carry his children.
Now we have five great kids;

Austin Derek Keller, age 15
Kason William Keller, age 14
Megan Nicole Keller, age 12
Jaxon James Keller, age 9
Ryan Joshua Russell Keller, age 6

At every Parent Teacher Conferences, EVERY Teacher has said, "Your child is so kind to others." That is because they have such a kind Father. He reads Scriptures with them and has an interview with them every month. He calls it,"Sundays with Dad". I love that he took a job making 40% less then we usually make, just to work at home. He always tells me it is so great to be home with the family and do carpool. It is a blessing in our life. He had other offers for jobs, but he knows Family is more important then money.

Derek and I have had our moments that are not so great, but we know that Divorce is not an option. Working things out and compromising is how we make our marriage work.
And making up sure is fun!

Derek, I love you more than the day that we married. Thank you for taking me to the Temple to be married for Time and all Eternity. You gave me the family I always dreamed of. Thank-you for that. You are my other half. You give me strength with my illness and you are my best cheerleader. You are my Sweetheart and my best friend. I love that I can tell you anything and you don't judge me.

Happy Anniversary Darling. 17 YEARS! It sure has gone by fast.
I Love you.

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